
Tyres O'Flaherty (Michael Smiley)


IN SERIES: A Northern Irish bike messenger and a friend of Tim and Mike's. He is a raver and everyday noises such as a phone ringing, or a car horn honking, sound like rave music to him, often prompting him to start dancing. His raving (and presumed accompanying drug intake) also makes him prone to hair-trigger mood swings. Tyres possesses a very short attention span and is easily distracted. He suspects Tim and Daisy are more than "just friends" and always refers to the two of them as such, with air quotes. He considers his life's mission to get other people to rave, and says "My work here is done" at the end of Epiphanies. A zombie version of Tyres appears very briefly (still dancing) in Shaun of the Dead.

[Took from server wikipedia.]



© David Jiřička 2012